ABC Bats is dedicated to the production of quality, split billet made, wood baseball bats in birch, ash and maple. The America's Bat Company brand operates in five countries: The United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Holland, Korea and all of Asia. ABC Bats are used in Big Leagues, and they are the official bat of several teams in the Mexican Pacific League and Mexican Baseball League.
ABC Bats began its dream to someday reach the Big Leagues with a baseball bat and it was then, that the project started in 2005.
When the project began, Jaime Barrera, Americas’ Bat Co. CEO and baseball player, was thinking what to do to replace the baseball bats that were frequently broken, and also were highly expensive. It is then that he decided to pull all his effort and dedication to start a baseball bat factory. What was once first visualized as a dream, would soon become a reality.
As he was sharing his dream with his close friends, he was receiving negative comments, that could make him desist from his idea but, at the end, his passion for the game prevailed, and his dream became a reality…Americas’ Bat Co. was founded.
It was not until 2009, that Jaime received a call from a Big League Baseball employee, with the notification that his product had fulfilled all the norms and regulations imposed by the commissioner’s office, and Americas’ Bat Co. was ready to make its debut in the Big League.